NO WAY!: 70 Years Ago, ‘Elon’ Predicted to be the Name of Leader Associated with Colonization on Mars in Non-Fiction Book by German Rocket Engineer

By Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Several decades before Elon Musk was born, Elon and Mars were connected, by German aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun, responsible for creating Germany’s advanced weapon systems, the V-2 rocket— the first long-range guided ballistic missile in the world.

Wernher von Braun wrote The Mars Project, first published in 1953. Elon Musk wasn’t born until June 28, 1971. 

This classic non-fiction book on space travel, was written when interplanetary space flight was considered science fiction by most of those who considered it at all.

He proposed that, instead of presidents on Mars, the rulers of the Mars colony would be appointed the title of “Elon.” Those living in the Mars colony would be considered “elonis.”



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